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Have you ever wondered about a place where time seems to stop? Have you ever thought what it would feel like to feel so much peace and tranquility. Imagine a door to a world where thought is free from the madness that is your daily life? A place where you can embrace your Self, being alone, with family or in family.

The Herdade da Hera team has worked hard to create a small Paradise on Earth, which is prized for privacy, for the calm of the countryside. Here the word FAMILY is taken very seriously. In a world increasingly sucked by the excess of negative information, social loneliness, abandonment of values​... Our main goal is, together, to create the most valuable thing you can have - Family!

So, with much work and dedication, our team is preparing a project aimed at all ages, so as to be a step forward for a more light, smiley and meaningful future. During your stay we will focus on 10 concepts and work on them to try to reach your goal, find a way to be happy and complete.

just breath...



The Herdade da Hera team is currently composed of 5 people. The parents, the daughter, the son-in-law and the newest member, the grandson. Passing also by the animal members who accompany us on this journey and whose purpose is to bring people closer to nature and humanize our thoughts.

For these reasons everything is centered and revolves around the family nucleus, whatever its nature. Learn to cope and love the family, to have a new vision and to build a healthier way.


What sustains us as living beings. All our work is centered around the Earth. In a very thoughtful way, bring people to the ground work, arrange environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions. All together we will work around this well, learning, teaching and smiling with the results


In life, nothing works if there is no balance. And how to get there? There is no exact science. Each being is special and needs different tools, but together we will be able to find the way to balance and, more importantly, to keep this balance with us day by day.


Reaching true tranquility is no easy task, more with daily stress, work, bills to pay, kids school... So how do you find total tranquility? Maybe through silence, meditation, some task that will accomplish us. It is a quest that deserves effort and dedication.


What sustains us as living beings. All our work is centered around the Earth. In a very thoughtful way, bring people to the ground work, arrange environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions. All together we will work around this well, learning, teaching and smiling with the results


Such a crucial tool in these times, but new technologies instead of being communication friends, people talk less and less, unburden less, share, filter, think less...

That's why the objective is to:

                       communicate, communicate, communicate!


Because we all have something we can give. A story, a coat, a dialect, a culture, a fear ... The act of exchanging something with another person makes us feel more fulfilled. It makes us learn to receive and not to create expectations. This makes us grow as human beings and deal with many daily frustrations.


Many of us would like to help but we do not always know how. Or we do not think about the results of our possible help. Learn to be moderate, sincere, active. These are important points that must be worked out for a brighter and more cooperative future.


Learning to listen to our conscience, what it has to tell us and how to deal with it. Knowing how to listen to our inner Self will open doors for us to be able to hear others.


Knowing how to deal with our conscience helps us to deal with the consciences of others.


Some people argue that happiness is momentary, perhaps it is so, but how to prolong this feeling?


Lined up all the previous points and work hard for a Me + Happy! :)

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